
Luca Signorelli, ciclo di affreschi nel Chiostro Grande dell'Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore, le storie di San Benedetto, Scena 25 - Come Benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori dal monastero (dettaglio) (1)
Luca Signorelli
Le storie di San Benedetto, Scena 25 - Come Benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori dal monastero (dettaglio) | Chiostro grande del monastero di Monte Oliveto Maggiore
Life of St Benedict, Scene 25: Benedict Tells Two Monks What They Have Eaten (detail) | The Great Cloister, Abbey of Monte Oliveto Maggiore
Scene 25 of the cycle on the life of St Benedict depicts Benedict telling two monks where and what they have eaten outside the monastery.
In a number of scenes Benedict is required to be stern with his weaker brothers, either because they have become possessed by demons (Scene 13) or because they have given in to their cravings (Scene 25).
The scenes in which the community is confronted with a group of voluptuous women (Scene 19) and two of the brothers gorge themselves at a nearby inn (Scene 25) stand out with their brighter colours and rich details.

Luca Signorelli, autoritratto
Luca Signorelli, ciclo di affreschi nel Chiostro Grande dell'Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore, album immagini
Luca Signorelli, Come benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori del monastero
Luca Signorelli, Come benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori del monastero
Come Benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori dal monastero |
Luca Signorelli, Scene 25 - Almost discreetly and outside the scene, Signorelli paints a small scene in which Benedict rebukes the monks. They humbly kneel before him and bow their heads.
Luca Signorelli, dettaglio di San Benedetto rimprovera due monaci che hanno violato la Regola |
Luca Signorelli, scene 25 waarin Benedictus de monniken berispt omdat ze buiten het klooster aten
Luca Signorelli, scene 25 waarin Benedictus de monniken berispt omdat ze buiten het klooster aten en er vrouwen bezochten |

Luca Signorelli, Come benedetto dice alli monaci dove e quando avevano mangiato fuori del monastero, particolare

De Crete Senesi in Toscane | De abdij van Monte Oliveto Maggiore | De fresco's van Il Sodoma en Luca Signorelli in het Chiostro Grande

[1]Photo by Sailko, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.
(2) Source: Frescoes in the the Great Cloister, Abbazia, Monteoliveto Maggiore by Luca SIGNORELLI | www.wga.hu
[3] Photo by Traveling Guide © All rights reserved
The abbey of Monteoliveto Maggiore
The abbey is constructed entirely of brick, and comprises a jumble of structures linked by three inner courtyards, or cloisters, of different sizes and with different functions. The Great Cloister (Chiostro Grande) around which the more important communal spaces are disposed was constructed in stages between 1426 and 1443. The cloister was frescoed by Luca Signorelli with nine scenes on the west side (1497-99) and Sodoma with twenty-eight scenes (1505-08 and after 1513). The fresco cycle is comprised of thirty-six Scenes from the Life of St Benedict; St Benedict Presenting the Rule to the Olivetans; Man of Sorrow; Christ Carrying the Cross.(2)
Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore | E N G | N L
Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore, Asciano (3)