The fresco cycle in the nave of the Lower Church
The fresco cycle in the nave of the Lower Church with five scenes from the Passion of Christ on the right wall and five scenes from the Life of St Francis on the left.



Francis preaching the birds
Lamentation over the Dead Christ |
Christ on the Cross |

Deposition of Christ from the Cross
Saint Francis flanked by two angels.
The panel employed in this painting was the wooden plank which served at Saint Francis’ deathbed.
This is attested by the inscription in the book which the Saint holds: "HIC MIHI VIVENTI LECTUS FUIT ET MORIENTI" (This ws .my bed both in life and death". The inscription on the lower half of the panel refers to Francis' stigmata [3]. |
Master of St. Francis. Saint Francis and Angels, 13th cent. , Museo della Porziuncola, Assisi
Saints Bartholomew and Simon
The present panel depicting Saints Bartholomew and Simon, one of thirteen, formed part of one of the greatest Italian altarpieces of the third quarter of the thirteenth century. It is likely that the altarpiece was commissioned for the main altar of the church of San Francesco al Prato in Perugia, where it would have stood over an early Christian sarcophagus containing the body of Saint Francis's follower, the Beato Egidio. The form of the painted arches in the altarpiece panels appears to derive from the sarcophagus, and the disposition of the two figures in the present work reflects the scheme of two figures in relief to the right of Christ on the sarcophagus [2].
Master of Saint Francis. Double-sided Polyptych. Saints Bartholomew and Simon 1265-75, Metropolitan Museum. New York
On either side of the crucified Christ are the Three Maries and Saint John the Evangelist, with the centurion who recognised at the Crucifixion that Christ was the Son of God. The words 'Rex Gloriae' on the cross, mean 'King of Glory'.
This type of crucifix was often painted on both sides and carried in religious processions. It may also have contained a relic or relics in the round cavity seen above Christ's head. |
Master of Saint Francis, detail of a crucifix, c.1265-70; egg tempera on wood National Gallery, London,
probably about 1272-85, The National Gallery, London
Grande croce del Maestro di San Francesco, Chiesa di San Francesco Arezzo
Crocifisso di Londra del Maestro di San Francesco, 1272-1285 circa, National Gallery, Londra
Maestro di san francesco, croce dipinta, umbria 1262-70 ca., Musée du Louvre, Paris |
Dettagli del Grande croce del Maestro di San Francesco, Chiesa di San Francesco Arezzo.
Nelle tabelle alle estremità dei bracci orizzontali sono rappresentati la Madonna e san Giovanni dolenti [1].
Maestro di San Francesco, 1272, tempera e oro su tavola, 410 × 328 cm, Galleria nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia
Maestro di San Francesco, 1272, particolare del, Galleria nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia
Maestro di San Francesco, 1272, particolare del volto, Galleria nazionale dell'Umbria, Perugia |