Slow food and slow travel are part of a movement to return to traditional ways of traveling and
living for the enjoyment of life that is also more kind to the environment, local populations and cultures.
Jonathon Engels
E N G |
Wandelen in Toscane | Trekking in Toscane | Schilderachtige paden in een uniek landschap
Van alle manieren van reizen is wandelen wellicht de meest intieme en ook onze meest natuurlijke wijze om onze omgeving te verkennen. Het is de ultieme manier om een te zijn met de natuur. Tijdens een wandelvakantie en vooral tijdens meerdaagse wandeltochten kom je op plekken waar je doorgaans niet kan komen of die je niet kon voorzien.
Wandelen in Toscane geeft je een vaak over het hoofd gezien en onderschatte relatie met je omgeving - en hier zijn ze echt geweldig. Lopen dwingt je om te communiceren, je tijd te nemen en de wereld rondom in te ademen. Nergens anders ter wereld worden deze immateriële voordelen meer gevierd op het beroemde Italiaanse platteland van Toscane. Zuid-Toscane is een onontdekt juweel, het gebied biedt zowel een cultureel als een natuurlijk feest. Een wereld buiten de gebaande paden, waar beboste heuvels, valleien, rivieren en meren een uniek historisch en archeologisch paradijs omlijsten. Van de Etrusken tot de Romeinen en van de Middeleeuwen tot de Renaissance tot onze huidige tijd, de geschiedenis van de mensheid heeft laag na laag zijn sporen achtergelaten in een ongelooflijke opeenvolging. Het is moeilijk om ergens anders zoveel herinneringen aan verschillende tijdperken te vinden en in zo'n speciale setting.
Van de artistieke hoofdstad van de renaissance in Firenze tot de gotische torens van de kathedraal in Siena, deze uitgestrekte regio wordt gekenmerkt door glooiende heuvels, verhalenboek wijngaarden en onverslaanbare authentieke Italiaanse cultuur.
Wat zijn de mooiste plekken om te wandelen in Toscane? Het landschap is er bijzonder gevariëerd, van de beroemde heuvels van de Val d'Orcia, tot het krijtlandschap van de Crete Senesi, van de beboste heuvels ten westen van Siena, de Montagnola Senesi, tot de cultureel geladen etappes van de Via Francigena. We wandelen langs de uitgestrekte wijngaarden rond Montalcino en Montepulciano, gaan op ontdekking in de Chiantistreek of verkennen de oude wandelpaden rond de dode vulkaan Monte Amiata, of de Via Cave, die bijzondere Etruskische paden die duizenden jaren oud zijn.
Nergens in Italië is de natuur zo goed bewaard als in Toscane. 10% van de totale oppervlakte, zo'n 227.000 hectare is beschermd natuurgebied. Er zijn tientallen natuurparken waarin boeiende wandelingen uitgetekend werden, de mooiste zijn het Parco naturale della Maremma, Riserva naturale Cornate e Fosini, Riserva naturale Diaccia Botrona, Riserva naturale Lucciolabella, Riserva naturale Monte Labbro, Riserva naturale Pigelleto, Riserva naturale Poggio all'Olmo, Riserva naturale Bosco dei Rocconi, en aan de kust het meest zuidelijk gelegen Lago di Burano, de Laguna di Orbetello en Tombolo di Feniglia, de Palude della Diaccia Botrona en de Riserva Naturale delle Bandite di Scarlino met zijn uitgestrekte bossen van steeneik en zijn unieke stranden Cala Violina en Cala Martina.
De ideale tijd om in Toscane te wandelen is het voorjaar (april tot half juni) en de late zomer en herfst (half september tot eind oktober). In de zomermaanden is het vaak erg warm, je kan dan het beste heel vroeg in de ochtend of 's avonds wandelen. In hoger gelegen gebieden zoals de Monte Amiata kan je het hele jaar door wandelen.
Het vakantiehuis Podere Santa Pia is het natuurlijke hart voor wandelaars in het zuiden van Toscane en heeft een breed assortiment aan wandelkaarten en wandelgidsen over Toscane verzameld. Het natuurhuis ligt centraal in de Toscaanse Maremma, een nog nauwelijks ontgonnen en wild deel van Toscane.
Hier vind je een mooie selectie van de beste wandelpaden voor trekking en excursies in Toscane.

wandelKaart Montalcino | Val d'Orcia | Pienza |
The Val d`Orcia is a vast valley in the province of Siena, situated in southern Tuscany, between Valdichiana, Crete senesi and Mount Amiata. Its name comes from the river that flows through it, the Orcia river, a tributary of the Ombrone river, the most important waterway in southern Tuscany.
This spectacular landscape of Tuscany has long been a source of inspiration for writers and painters. Its green, gentle hills covered with miles and miles of vineyards and olive groves, the ancient walled villages and the Castles and fortresses will make you go back in time and have a taste of its glorious present and past.
The valley embraces the town territories of Castiglione d'Orcia, Montalcino, Pienza, Radicofani e San Quirico d'Orcia.
In 2004, Val d'Orcia, was included by UNESCO as world heritage landscape
area, with the following reasons: the Val d'Orcia is an exceptional
example of how the landscape was redesigned in the Renaissance period to
reflect the ideals of good governance and create an aesthetically
pleasing pictures. The landscape of Val d'Orcia was celebrated by
painters of the Sienese school, which flourished during the Renaissance.
Images of the Val d'Orcia and particularly depictions of landscapes in
which people are depicted as living in harmony with nature, have become
icons of the Renaissance and have profoundly influenced the development
of landscape thinking in future years.
Within the Val d'Orcia is a strip of land following the Orcia river between the DOCG zones of Brunello di Montalcino and Vino Nobile di Montepulciano. Here the Sangiovese and Trebbiano-based wines are produced under the Orcia Denominazione di origine controllata (DOC) status. Orcia D.O.C. is produced on the territories of Abbadia San Salvatore, Buonconvento Castiglione d’Orcia, Chianciano Terme, Montalcino, Pienza, Radicofani, San Casciano dei Bagni, San Giovanni d’Asso, San Quirico d’Orcia, Sarteano, Torrita di Siena and Trequanda.
Immerse yourself into the rhythms of la dolce vita on an unforgettable journey through the Val d’Orcia, explore the winding cipress roads and architectural wonders around San Quirico d’Orcia, Pienza and Montalcino with our Hiking Suggestions.
Wandelen in de Val d'Orcia, prachtige landschappen tussen Monticchiello en Pienza |
Montagna Cornate di Gerfalco, Gerfalco, Montieri, Provincia di Grosseto [1]
De Colline Metallifere vormen een bergachtige streek in het westen van Toscane. Het gebied is gelegen tussen de Tyrrheense Zee en de rivieren Ombrone en Cecina.
De relatief rustige streek is geliefd bij mensen die kiezen voor een wandelvakantie. Gerfalco en Montieri zijn een goede uitvalsbasis. Vermijd de heuvels rond Pomerance en Larderello.
In het dorp Larderello in de gemeente Pomarance is een groot industrieel complex met enkele geothermische centrales een grote spelbreker. Hier wordt aardwarmte uit de omgeving van het dorp omgezet in elektriciteit. In 1905 was dit de eerste plaats ter wereld waar op deze wijze elektriciteit werd opgewekt. Thans worden in Larderello en de omliggende dorpen hete dampen uit meer dan 30 fumarolen gebruikt voor geothermische centrales.
De aanwezigheid van metaalertsen heeft sinds de prehistorie de economische ontwikkeling van de streek bepaald en speelde een aanzienlijke rol in de economie van de Etrusken. In de Colline Metallifere, het 'ertsgebergte' van Toscane zijn er veel mooie wandelingen uitgetekend.De mooiste wandelingen lopen over drie panoramamische toppen van meer dan duizend meter hoog, de Poggio di Montieri, de Cornate di Gerfalco en de Carline di Travale. Op heldere dagen reikt het zicht tot aan Elba en Corsica. In oostelijke richting is de Monte Amiata een ijkpunt aan de horizon.
Villa Arceno near Castelnuovo Berardenga and Siena, reached by rows of centuries-old cypress trees |
The mountain is clothed in a forest of beeches, oaks, firs and chestnut trees, stretching from a height of a thousand meters to the top of the mountain.
The summit of Monte Amiata is 1738 meters above sea level and this extinct volcano today marks the border between the provinces of Siena and Grosseto in southern Tuscany. This is where the territory of the Maremma meets the Val D’Orcia. The Etruscans considered Monte Amiata their Mount Olympus and the fertile land, mineral deposits and thickly forested slopes have been inhabited by a proud and independent people since prehistoric times. The volcanic eruptions finished 180 thousand years ago and many huge boulders still dot the slopes where they landed.
The mountain is an ideal place to discover on foot. A network of hiking itineraries cover both sides of the mountain. The Agenzia per Il Turismo Monte Amiata proposes 34 itineraries of varying difficulty following the old mule trails and traditional paths which make up over 200 kilometers of trekking.
About 12 hours are needed to complete the circle, the Anello dell'Amiata, indicated by the characteristic red and white signs, but there is also a choice of stretches for shorter walks.
Monte Amiata and the Val d'Orcia, view from Pienza
The area of Pitigliano and far to the south of Rome is characterised by tuff stone, a hardened type of volcanic magma. Southern Tuscany was once one of the most important centres of the Etruscans. There are numerous cave-tombs of that period around Pitigliano, caves cut deep into the tuff, that are today used as cellars and sheds. The Tuff Area is named after tufo, a volcanic, porous rock commonly used as a building material. The tuff has been carved over the centuries to build houses, cellars, tombs or used to make "tufi", big square bricks which are typical of the villages and towns of this area of the hills of the Maremma.
To the north are the slopes of Monte Amiata, to the south is the region of Lazio, to the east lie the shores of Lago Bolsena and to the west is the Tyrrhenian Sea. Bypassed by the main toll road system, the character of this area has remained refreshingly genuine and its natural and historical treasures are still intact.
According to the description by Dionysius Halicarnassus, the greek historian, the Etruscans were an ancient and unique people, without no language and lifestyle affinity with other people. The term Etruscan indicates a population that lived in Etruria, between the 9th and the 3rd century B.C. The Etruscan civilization represents one of the most important cultures in Italy. Who wants to get to know the Etruscan side of Tuscany will enjoy the towns and villages that were founded by them. A fascinating
journey to Pitigliano, Sovana, Sorano and Castell’Azzara, to name a few, on a path of art, history and landscape.
The major centres of this area, which has still not experienced mass tourism, are Pitigliano, Sorano and Manciano. The perfectly preserved necropolises in Sovana and Poggio al Buco, the vie cave (amazing roads carved in tuff that pass through the woods), and medieval villages like Magliano in Toscana contribute to make this area one of the most beautiful in Tuscany. It also boasts naturalistic treasures such as the hot springs and spas of Saturnia, and the hills of the river Fiora, which supplies water to the vast majority of the Maremman villages and towns.
Lake Bolsena is on two sign-posted walking routes: one is the Via Francigena- the well-known medieval pilgrim road which runs from Canterbury to Rome, and the other is a newly- opened route called the " Sentiero dei Briganti",created by the local Tourist Board to take in the most significant areas of natural beauty and historical interest, and funded by the European Union and the Regione Lazio. The Brigands' Path follows the Tuscan-Latium border for about 90 kms from the Nature Reserve of Monte Rufeno to the medieval castle and Etruscan museum of Vulci (Canino).It passes through splendid countryside and archeological sites and ends with views of the Tyrrenian sea. Besides these major routes there are also many shorter walks and trails to places of interest around the lake.
Bolsena is crossed by the Via Cassia, the ancient Roman road which during the Middle Ages became known as Via Francigena. The municipalities of the towns of Acquapendente and Bolsena (located at the border between Latium and Tuscany) have restored (for pedestrians only) the old Via Cassia where it diverges from the current one. Via Francigena walks have become very popular among the residents and the many foreigners who live in the area.
It takes 8 days to complete the final stage in Lazio. The route passes by Acquapendente formerly known as Acquapendentem, meaning, “pending water.” to arrive at Bolsena.
Approaching Proceno, modern day pilgrim hikers leave Tuscany, cross into Lazio, and enter a region sometimes known as Tuscia, the heart of Etruscan empire.
Civita di Bagnoregio |
The Maremma landscape is varied. Hills gently degrading towards the sea, whose main colours are intense green in spring and golden yellow in summer, with the presence of olive-groves and vineyards and also woods of cork-oaks and flowering ash full of mushrooms if it rains in summer. The fertile plain too is accurately cultivated and studded with the white rural houses. Many pine forests grow along the coast, wide shores of very fine siliceous sand with its characteristic sand dunes rich in Mediterranean macchia, the brush.
Maremma includes 160 km of shoreline. The stretches of sandy and rocky coastline allow all sea lovers to find the perfect place for them. Moreover, the vast pine tree forests which border the beaches of the Maremma are a real naturalistic treasure and so are the few areas where the lagoon and swamp ecosystems have survived urbanization, reclamation or simple draining, such as the nature reserve of the Diaccia Botrona near Castiglione della Pescaia, and the Parco Naturale della Maremma between Alberese and Talamone.
Grosseto can be considered the capital of the Maremma. The area around Grosseto and the coast, with Marina di Grosseto, Castiglione della Pescaia and the small villages that lie in the plain between the city and the coast, represents the heart of the Tuscan Maremma.
Inside the Follonica Gulf, in the Bandite di Scarlino reserve, which is divided by a small promontory from Punta Ala, among a multitude of small caves, you will find Cala Violina. The beach's name derives from its very rare characteristic (it appears there is only one another beach with such a peculiarity) by which, steeping on the sand, the latter will echo back the harmonious notes of a violin.
The Natural Reserve of Diaccia Botrona, near Castiglione Pescaia
In het zuiden wordt de Tombolo della Feniglia beschouwd als het meer chique en mooie strand.
La Feniglia is een enorme zandduin van 6-8 km lang en 1½ km breed die Monte Argentario verbindt met het vasteland van Ansedonia in het zuiden van het schiereiland. Het strand is het beroemdst in de omgeving. Een belangrijk kenmerk van La Feniglia zijn de mediterrane pijnbomen die door het midden van de duin lopen en zorgen voor welkome schaduw tijdens de hitte van de dag. Er is een weg die midden in het duin loopt, waar auto's niet zijn toegestaan.
Het natuurreservaat Bandite di Scarlino ligt ten zuiden van Puntone di Scarlino. De glooiende heuvels met steeneiken, kurkeiken en aardbeibomen zijn een mooi wandelgebied, en verbergen enkele van de mooiste stranden van Toscane.
Tombolo della Feniglia, a forest preserve of stone pine trees runs the length of the beach
Florence, view from Piazza Michelangelo
Florence, the capital Tuscany, is known for its role in bringing Europe out of the Dark Ages and into the Renaissance era, paving the way for world-changing art, architecture, exploration, politics, and business. The Renaissance first occurred inFlorence and continued to be more pervasive there than anywhere else. The city's economy and its writers, painters, architects, and philosophers all made Florence a model of Renaissance culture.
Most of the major tourist sights in Florence are within easy walking distance of each other. It is possible to walk from one end of the historic center of Florence to the other - North-South or East-West in a half hour. Walking is not only an easy way to get around, it also offers the chance to 'take in' much more of the city life. Be warned though, that electric motor scooters are small enough to fit where cars cannot. They are silent but quick and in the summer they often times travel into the plazas. Some of the streets in central Florence are closed off to traffic, and many more are simply too narrow for buses to get through. Therefore, bus and car tours are not recommended. This is a very small, very compact city that really needs to be seen by foot.
This selection of tours has been put together with a deep passion for Tuscany's history and culture.
1 | A Walk Around the Uffizi Gallery
2 | Quarter Duomo and Signoria Square
3 | Around Piazza della Repubblica
4 | Santa Maria Novella
5 | San Niccolo Neighbourhood in Oltrarno
6 | Walking in the Bargello Neighbourhood
7 | From Fiesole to Settignano
8 | Walk arround the Uffizi Gallery

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[1] Foto LigaDue, licenziato in base ai termini della licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo 4.0 Internazionale