Piero della Francesca


Polyptych of the Misericordia

The Flagellation of Christ

St. Jerome in Penitence

Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta Praying in Front of St. Sigismund

Portrait of Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta

St. Jerome and a Donor

The Baptism of Christ

The History of the True Cross
       Adoration of the Holy Wood and the Meeting of Solomon        and the Queen of Sheba
       Constantine's Dream

Mary Magdalene

Madonna del parto

St. Julian


Polyptych of Saint Augustine


Polyptych of Perugia

Madonna and Child with Saints (Montefeltro Altarpiece)

Paired portraits of Federico da Montefeltro and Battista Sforza

Madonna di Senigallia

Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists | Piero della Francesca


Art in Tuscany
Piero della Francesca 029
Piero della Francesca, Battaglia di Eraclio e Cosroè (particolare), c. 1455, affresco, 329 x 747 cm, Basilica di San Francesco, Arezzo

The imperial eagle, black against a yellow field, dominates from its place at the centre. The eagle was a traditional symbol of the Ghibelline political faction. The qualities of the eagle remind one of the emblem of the Ghibelline political faction, prominent throughout Italy during the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries.

Art in Tuscany  

Piero della Francesca | Battaglia di Eraclio e Cosroè (Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes)


Art in Tuscany | Piero della Francesca | The History of the True Cross, Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes

Arte in Toscana | Piero della Francesca | Storie della Vera Croce, Battaglia di Eraclio e Cosroè


Sequenza narrativa
Sequenza narrativa


  Arezzo Piero general 02   Arezzo Piero general 03
Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17557    
Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17555   Piero della Francesca 026   Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17566
Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17553   Piero della Francesca 028   Piero della Francesca 027
Piero della Francesca 029   Stemma della famiglia Pucci. Dettaglio dal ciclo di affreschi della "Leggenda della santa Croce" nel coro della Basilica di San Francesco ad Arezzo   Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17565
Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17558   Piero, battaglia di eraclioe cosroe, dettaglio 2   Piero, esecuzione di cosroe
  Piero della Francesca - 8. Battle between Heraclius and Chosroes (detail) - WGA17568