The castle of Vivo d'Orcia boasts a long and fascinating history. The estate with the impressive castle and the romanesque church reaches back to the 11th century. In 1002 a hermitage was founded on this spot by camaldolese monks close to the source of the Vivo river.
A Romanesque chapel and an extensive hermitage (Eremo) were also constructed to accommodate for a fascinating group of humble monks, known as the “Camaldolesi”, who first inhabited the caves that now form the foundations of the castle in 1,004 ad (500 years previously). Along with this impressive estate the church established one of the largest and finest industrial centres of the 16th century, way surpassing anything built up until that time. Comprising of 6 large water mills, several huge and elaborate marble tanks, for cleaning and preparing the paper pulp, the estate soon lived up to its name “Alive” by becoming the only industrial centre in the whole region, vital for crushing olives, smelting iron tools and producing one of the finest quality writing papers in Europe of its day.
The humble hermitage was transformed into a sophisticated and well-organised agricultural center when Cardinal Marcello Cervini, later Pope Marcello II, acquired the estate in 1534.
Characteristics: not a particularly difficult itinerary, ideal even during the summer months, it almost completely unfolds among woodlands.
POINT OF DEPARTURE AND ARRIVAL: Vivo d'Orcia (circular path).
LENGTH: 10 Km.
DURATION: 3 hours.
TYPE OF ROAD AND LANDSCAPE: short stretch of paved road in the village of Vivo d'Orcia, then
woodland, gravel road, forest path through a mixed vegetation with much
shade in front of the source of Vivo. Up to the summer months, small streams cross the trail.
DEGREE OF DIFFICULTY: easy to mediodifficile (40 minutes uphill in the woods).
SIGNS: Occasionally red and white markings and insignia metal red and white on
pallets of cement.
POINT RESTAURANT: Bar "Fonte Vecchia" (Closed on Tuesday) or the restaurant "Il Castagno" (closed
Monday) in Vivo d'Orcia; you can plan a stop for a picnic at the source of the Vivo (10.2 h) or
the waterfall (2.45 h). |
From Vivo d’Orcia we start downhill on Via dell’Eremo toward the white-fir forest of Vivo d’Orcia, one of the last remaining in Tuscany of this kind. At the end of the road we cross the bridge over the Vivo stream passing under a stone arch that leads to the Borgo dell’Eremo. Very few houses are clustered around the XVI century Palazzo Cervini and the church of San Marcello. We proceed going back to the stone arch without crossing the stream, turning left on a footpath that starts at a gate and some stone steps that climb up to the fir-woods. We carry on for about 10 minutes up to a junction where we turn right along a path that leads to the asphalted road (Vivo-Seggiano). Here turning left we carry on downhill for about 200 m to another junction where the right turn will lead us steeply uphill to the equipped area of Lo Scudellino. Carrying on the footpath, lined by a wooden fence up to some boulders and a little bridge that crosses over the Mulino stream, we reach some picnic tables in a chestnut-woods. Climbing up among the huge chestnut trees the footpath becomes wider and leads us to a T-junction at which we turn right and cross a wooden bridge to reach a dirt road next to Sasso della Lupareccia. Here, making a right turn we arrive, uphill, at the Ermicciolo. The dirt road leads, with no problems, to the asphalted road that we take uphill and on the left, up to a second dirt road that will take us to the equipped area of the Ermicciolo. Following the main road we get to a stone aqueduct and through a flight of stairs, on the right, we reach the little Romanesque church of the Ermicciolo, today private chapel of the Cervini family. Two drying kilns are at a stone’s throw away from here. Leaving the little church behind, we proceed on the footpath that going through the woods, will lead us, in few minutes, to a dirt road in the proximity of a hairpin. We carry on the right, down to the asphalted road. From here it is either possible to go back to Vivo d’Orcia on the asphalted road for about 1 km or by the dirt road on our right, previously covered, that goes up to the junction with the asphalted road which, turning right, will lead us to the centre of Vivo d’Orcia.
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Monte Amiata Album |
Vivo d'Orcia, Pieve di San Marcello |
L'Ermicciolo, Vivo d’Orcia
Palazzo Cervini in Eremo d'Orcia |
Seccatoi, nella vicinanza dell’Ermicciolo
Sorgente dell'Ermicciolo, Vivo d'Orcia |
Mappa Eremo del Vivo, Vivo d'Orcia | Ingrandire mappa
Anello Vivo d'Orcia - Intorno all'Ermicciolo nel bosco di Vivo d'Orcia | 3,15 km
Short suggestive route around the Ermicciolo in the Vivo d'Orcia forest
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Anello Vivo d'Orcia - La contea | Intorno all'Ermicciolo nel bosco di Vivo d'Orcia | 4,4 km
Short suggestive route, starting from Vivo d'Orcia,Palazzo Cervini and Borgo dell'Eremo
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Eremicciolo di S. Benedetto

Podere Santa Pia is a sublime country residence rising in an outstanding position completely surrounded by the fairytale-like rolling hills of the Maremma.
Podere Santa Pia is a restored farmhouse, appointed with terra cotta tile floors, exposed ceiling beams, where you can spread out, relax, and recharge for the next day of activity. Here you find the perfect vacation rental for your needs and desires.
Enjoy fine wine, cheeses and explore medieval Montalcino and Pienza. Explore the medieval hillside villages of Montepulciano, Montefollonico and Montichiello. Marvel at settlements that date back to Etruscan times, and try some Pecorino cheese in Pienza, and some Vino Nobile in the stately Renaissance village of Montepulciano, where the refined beauty of the churches blends perfectly with the ancient traditions of its wines.
Hidden secrets in Tuscany Tuscan farmhouses | Podere Santa Pia

Podere Santa Pia |
Pienza and the Val d'Orcia |
Century-old olive trees, between Podere Santa Pia and Cinigiano |
Siena, Piazza del Campo |
Lago Trasimeno |
Montalcino |
Sovicille |
Certaldo |
View at Sunset to the Island Montecristo and the Maremma Coast from the terrace. Podere Santa Pia is a serene, strikingly beautiful and wholly sustainable oasis, situated in the midst of Tuscan Maremma's sublime unspoiled countryside. The ideal location for a memorable countryside Tuscan vacation.
Trekking and hiking on Mount Amiata | Trails to discover the beauty of Mount Amiata (Eng)
Bagno Vignoni, an immersion in the Val d'Orcia [LENGHT: 10 Km. DURATION: 3 hours circa]
From Vivo d’Orca to the hermitage and these spring of Vivo [LENGHT: 10 Km. DURATION: 3 hours circa]
From Seggiano to Potentino Castle [LENGHT: circa 13 Km. DURATION: 3, 5 hours]
Trekking sul Monte Amiata | Sentieri per scoprire le meraviglie del Monte Amiata (It)
Dal Vivo d'Orcia all'Eremo e all'Ermicciolo fino alle sorgenti del Vivo [LUNGHEZZA: 10 Km circa. DURATA: 3 ore circa]
Nei castagneti di Arcidosso [LUNGHEZZA: 6.2 Km. DURATA: 3 ore circa]
Da Tepolini attraverso i castagneti de.."la strada della castagna" [ LUNGHEZZA: 4.2 Km circa. DURATA: 1 ora e 1/4 ]
Da Abbadia San Salvatore a Piancastagnaio [LUNGHEZZA: 13 Km circa. DURATA: 3 ore 1/2 circa ]
Attraverso la riserva naturale de "il Pigelleto" [LUNGHEZZA: circa 10 Km. DURATA: 3 ore 1/2 circa ]
Dal parco faunistico del Monte Amiata alla cima del Monte Labbro [LUNGHEZZA: circa 6,5 Km. DURATA: 3 ore circa]
Da Bagno Vignoni, un'immersione nella Val d'Orcia [LUNGHEZZA: circa 12 Km. DURATA: 4 ore circa ]
Da Semproniano al piccolo borgo di Rocchette di Fazio [LUNGHEZZA: circa 10 Km. DURATA: 3 ore e 1/2 circa ]
Da Seggiano al castello di Potentino [LUNGHEZZA: circa 13 Km. DURATA: 3 ore e 1/2 circa ]
Dal Prato delle macinaie alla vetta del Monte Amiata [LUNGHEZZA: circa 7 Km. DURATA: circa 2 ore e 1/2 ]

[1] Source: www.prolocovivo.org