Anello della Rupe is a path that goes around the entire rock of Orvieto, in a succession of hills that define the perimeter of the massive tufa rock on which the city rests. There are several entrances to the path around town, the most popular is in Piazza Cahen, called "Le Piagge". Walk down the street near the fortezza dell’Albornoz and cross the beautiful porta Rocca. Along the path there are several maps indicating your spot and interesting facts about the scenery. Look for small wooden signs reading “percorso”, to follow the correct path around the entire rock.
There are 5 entrances into the park. Ingresso 1: Madonna del Velo, one of the few examples of ecclesiastic architecture in Orvieto.Ingresso 2: Porta Vivaria, the remains of the medieval north gate. Ingresso 3: Porta Soliana, the medieval eastern entrance to the city. Ingresso 4: Palazzo Crispo Marsciano, designed and built during the Renaissance. The easiest access to the trail however is from the parking lot with the elevator. This access point is called Foro Boario. Ingresso 5: Foro Boario, near the medieval aqueduct used as early as the 13th Century.
Porta Maggiore is the oldest monumental access to the city, since the Etruscan period, leading to the Bolsena lake.
he best place to park your car is at the Campo della Fierra parking lot. The parking lot is also sometimes referred to as Foro Boario.
Located near the old medieval Aqueduct, this lot is accessed by coming from the State road SS, the Umbro-Casentinese Road or from Strada delle Conce. This parking garage has access to the center of the city using the escalator to Piazza de’Ranieri or the elevators to Via Ripa Medici. Both lead to the side of Orvieto near Piazza della Repubblica.
Madonna del Velo
The Chiesa della Madonna del Velo is one of the few examples of eighteenth-century ecclesiastic architecture in Orvieto.
Recently renovated the church sits at the foot of the cliff near the Porta Maggiore, at end of Via della Cava.
The church was built with “the offerings of the Benefactors and of Giuseppe Marsciano - at the time bishop of Orvieto - architect”, and was consecrated in 1751.
Visible from the Albonoz Fortress and the belltower, the Abbey of Saint Severo and Martirio also known as, La Badia, is a strikingly beautiful site. The abbey dates back as far as the 7th or 8th century. It remained in the hands of the Benedictine until the 12th century. The church on the site is from the 12th or 13th century.
The abbey now houses a hotel, characterized by the majestic tower dodecagon stylistically similar to the one next to the church of Sant'Andrea.
La Badia can be reached by walking down through the town of Porta Romana in less then an hour.
Porta Vivaria
The 13th century Porta Vivaria opened onto a steep and narrow path cut into the cliff that was used in times of war. An access point to the Anello della Rupe (ring around the cliff) from Via del Popolo leads to a new path that passes the vestiges of the gate and then continues down to the necropolis of Crocifisso del Tufo.
Etruscan Necropolis at Crocifisso del Tufo
The necropolis, which forms a vast archaeological park, is made up of a series of small chamber tombs, aligned along the burial “roads.” The arrangement of the tombs, which follows a definite “town” plan, provides precious elements for the study of the layout of the ancient city. Built from blocks of tuff, the entrance lintels of the tombs are inscribed with the name of the deceased. The earliest excavations in the 19th century yielded important artifacts, now unfortunately dispersed among various foreign museums. Other significant burial objects found during more recent excavations are on display at the Faina Museum in Orvieto( see below).
The necropolis took its name from the 16th-century crucifix sculptured in the tuff and kept in a little chapel underlying the San Giovenale area.
The first reports of finds in the area date back to the end of the 18th century, but more consistent information was found during the years 1830-1831, during the construction of the New Cassian Way. Intense research was conducted, however, in the last thirty years of the 19th century, when a part of the necropolis was expropriated by the State and opened to the public. Research began once more in the 1960s.
The outstanding feature of the necropolis is its layout, with a regular location plan and roads laid out at right angles. The planners divided the area into lots, probably following either an already existing or a planned main road.
Then, in following with the general arrangement of the “town plan” for the necropolis, other roads were built intersecting each other at right angles in a fairly regular manner.
The typical tombs of the necropolis are grouped into blocks, and most of them consist of single, rectangular chambers.
The entrance was closed by a large slab of tuff rock inside, and by a lining of tuff blocks aligned with the external wall; the space between the slab and the wall was filled with earth.
The slab usually rested on the third step descending toward the entrance and closed against the third interior lintel. Given the narrowness of the roads, the placing of two entrances directly across from each other was avoided, so as to prevent mutual obstruction if two facing tombs were to be opened at the same time.
Benches, usually two, were built inside for placing the deceased, one being set against the back wall and one against one of the side walls; the deceased were either interred directly or cremated.
Funerary inscriptions are incised into the entrance lintels, giving the name of the owner of the tomb; they are often written in a possessive style, by which it is the tomb that speaks: I belong to…
In the necropolis there are typically a large number of inscriptions giving the first names and family names of the ancient inhabitants of Orvieto. These are perhaps the most consistent epigraphic testimony of the Archaic age, referring to a single town community.[1]
Grotta della Fungaia or Mushroom grotto
Enormous artificial cavity originally exploited as a pozzolana quarry and subsequently used for growing mushrooms.
Madonna della Rosa
Ruins of the small seventeenth-century church dedicated to the Virgin Mary.
Palazzo Crispo Marsciano, a Renaissance building designed by Antonio da Sangallo and
finished by Simone Mosca. One of the modern entrances to the park is located next to it.
Etruscan necropolis
Sector of the Velzna (Volsinii) annular necropolis (6th-4th ent. B.C.)
Porta Soliana
Eastern city gate known also as Porta Postierla or Porta Rocca, and medieval entrance to the city.
The Grotta dei tronchi fossili (Cave of the Fossil Tree Trunks), located along the loop of the cliff near the access to the Archaeological and Environmental Park (PAAO) near Piazza Cahen, is a very interesting artificial cave, hosting paleobotanical remains dating back to 350 thousand years ago, belonging to the ecosystem that existed well before human presence, and preceded the formation of the tufa rock cliff on which Orvieto rises.
Sanctuary of Cannicella
One of the distinguishing features of the Cannicella necropolis is the presence of a temple (6th century BC) at its centre, which Riccardo Mancini discovered in 1884. The sanctuary, which seems to have been dedicated to Vei (see below), the goddess of death and fertility, was excavated in 1900 and 1936 and then from 1971.
The most important find from the site was the so-called “Venus” of Cannicella, which Riccardo Mancini discovered (along with the temple itself) in 1884. In fact, this naked marble figure (ca. 530 BC) probably represents Vei. The portrayal of a naked female such as this is extremely unusual in this period: she seems originally to have worn gold necklaces and earrings. Excavations carried out in 1990 unearthed part of the figure's right arm, which was subsequently re-attached.
The Duomo di Orvieto
A visit to Orvieto can start right from the Cathedral. The Duomo di Orvieto is the cathedral of the Diocese of Orvieto-Todi and a masterpiece of Gothic architecture in Central Italy.
The Gothic façade of the Orvieto Cathedral is one of the great masterpieces of the Late Middle Ages. The three-gable design is attributed to Maitani, who had clearly undergone some influence by the design scheme for the façade in Tuscan Gothic style of the Siena Cathedral by Giovanni Pisano (1287–1297) and the plan for façade of the Florence Cathedral by Arnolfo di Cambio (1294–1302).
Inside, the Cappella del Corporale was built between 1350 and 1356 to house the stained corporal of the miracle of Bolsena. It is from this chapel that the reliquary with the corporal is carried in religious processions through the town on the Feast of Corpus Christi.
The Chapel of the Madonna di San Brizio was a fifteenth-century addition to the cathedral. It is almost identical in structure to the Chapel of the Corporal. The construction of this chapel (also known as the Cappella Nuova and Signorelli chapel) was started in 1408 and completed in 1444.
Fra Angelico and Benozzo Gozzoli began the decoration of the vault of the chapel in 1447. They painted only two sections: Christ in Judgment and Angels and prophets as they were summoned in the same year to the Vatican by Pope Nicholas V to paint the Niccoline Chapel.
After being abandoned for about 50 years, the decoration of the rest of the vault was awarded to Luca Signorelli on 5 April 1499. He added the scenes with the Choir of the Apostles, of the Doctors, of the Martyrs, Virgins and Patriarchs.
His work pleased the board and they assigned him to paint frescoes in the large lunettes of the walls of the chapel. Work began in 1500 and was completed in 1503. (There was a break in 1502 because funds were lacking.) These frescoes in the chapel are considered the most complex and impressive work by Signorelli. He and his school spent two years creating a series of frescoes concerning the Apocalypse and the Last Judgment, starting with the Preaching of the Antichrist, continuing with tumultuous episodes of the End of the World, finding a counterpart in the Resurrection of the Flesh. The fourth scene is a frightening depiction of the Damned taken to Hell and received by Demons. On the wall behind the altar, Signorelli depicts on the left side the Elect being led to Paradise and on the right side the Reprobates driven to Hell. He added to these expressive scenes some striking details.
On the same square as the Cathedral you can also see the Faina and Soliano Palaces, both now holding prestigious museums. To the right of the cathedral there is a small square, part of the papal and Episcopal palace complex and known as the Papal Palace, home to the National Archaeological Museum.
Duomo | Orari
dal 1°Novembre al 28 Febbraio : 7.30 – 12.45 14.30 – 17.15
da Marzo ad Ottobre 7.30 – 12.45 14.30 – 18.15
dal 1° Aprile al 30 Settembre 7.30 – 12.45 14.30 – 19.15
Museo dell'Opera del Duomo di Orvieto
Piazza del Duomo, 26, 05018 Orvieto Terni
0763 342477
Orario di apertura:
martedì e giovedì: 10.00 – 12.00
sabato: 11.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00
domenica: 10.00 – 13.00 e 15.00 – 18.00
Tourist Information | APT Office, Orvieto, Piazza del Duomo 24
The National Archaeological Museum and Museo Claudio Faina
Located on the ground floor of the Papal Palace, the National Archaeological Museum hosts materials of great interest coming from the necropolis of Crocifisso del Tufo, Cannicella, Fontana del Leone, Settecamini, Porano.
Preparation for the feast (detail), ca. 340—280 B.C. Orvieto, Golini tomb
Fondazione Museo Claudio Faina | Archaeological Museum
The Museo Faina contains one of Italy’s finest archaeological collections, brought together by two aristocrats, Mauro and Eugenio Faina, who from 1864 went personally on digs and acquired items on the open market.
Located in Palazzo Faina, the Museo Claudio Faina is directly opposite the Duomo and extends on two floors of the building.
Archaeological Museum
Museo Claudio Faina e Museo civico
Piazza del Duomo, 29
Opening houors
Open April-Sept daily 9:30-18:00, Oct-March Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00, closed Mon, tel. 076-334-1511.
Walking in Tuscany | Walking in the surroundings of Orvieto
From Orvieto to Civita di Bagnoregio
From Piazza Cahen, looking at the funicular station, take the downhill road to your right, that borders the walls of the Albornoz Rock.
There is public transport to go back to Orvieto, and you can take the COTRAL public bus from the terminus in Bagnoregio's Piazzale Battaglini.
Transport | www.cotralspa.it
Walking in Tuscany |
From Orvieto to Civita di Bagnoregio
Civita di Bagnoregio
Orvieto frazioni are Bagni di Orvieto, Bardano, Baschi Scalo, Benano, Biagio, Botto di Orvieto, Canale di Orvieto, Canonica, Capretta, Ciconia, Colonnetta di Prodo, Corbara, Fossatello, Morrano, Orvieto Scalo, Osteria Nuova, Padella, Prodo, Rocca Ripesena, San Faustino, Sferracavallo, Stazione di Castiglione, Sugano, Titignano, Tordimonte and Torre San Severo.
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[1] Source: Orvieto - Etruscan Necropolis at Crocifisso del Tufo - Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell'Umbria]
[2] Source | www.paao.it
The City of Orvieto, in collaboration with several Municipalities in the area of Orvieto, the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici dell’Umbria, the Region of Umbria, the Province of Terni and the Comunità Montana Monte Peglia e Selva di Meana, has created the PAAO (Archaeological and Environmental Park of the Orvietano), a structure that plans to promote, enhance and coordinate the enormous historical-archaeological and landscape-environmental heritage that characterizes the entire district. The objective therefore is the upgrading of the historical-archaeological and environmental assets of a vast area and the integration of diverse territorial contexts, favoring the integrated utilization of the resources of the territory with a view both to preservation and local development, devising didactic itineraries and activating cultural and tourist services.
[2] Source: Key to Umbria: Orvieto | www.keytoumbria.com
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