Montefollonico, a walled city in Tuscany, lies on a hill in a strategic position between Valdichiana and Val d'Orcia.
he village is home to the Church S. Leonardo (1216), the Oratory of Santa Caterina d'Alessandria, the ex-Palazzo della Giustizia and some cylindrical towers and tower of Cassero (1277). A brief circular walk brings through vino nobile vineyards and lush farmlands, the beautiful ruins of the Monastery of Santa Maria (1170) and the hiddden secret of Montefollonico, the unique garden of Il Tondo.
Montefollonico is certified with the Orange Flag, the Touring Club Italiano quality seal.
The “Orange Flag” is the tourism quality mark yearly awarded by the Italian Touring Club and dedicated to small inland villages which are distinguished by landscape conservation, welcoming atmosphere, promotion of cultural heritage, quality of accommodations and local products.
Traveling in Tuscany | Orange flag communities in Tuscany | Complete list of the Orange Flag towns
in Italy

There are some nice itineraries in the area of Montefollonico. The walk to Montepulciano passes through the typical landscape of Tuscany. Behind the Chiesa del Triano, a path runs down to the Strada dei Colli. Walk straight on until the Capella Sant'Anna. The path to the right of the chapel leads to Montepulciano.
A shorter walk runs in and around Montefollonico. You walk along the most beautiful buildings and places of this authentic village, and outside the center to the Monasterio di Santa Maria and the magical circular park Il Tondo.
Walking from Montepulciano to Montefollonico, the Ruins of Santa Maria and Il Tondo | 17 km
Circular walk Montefollonico | 6 km
Walking in Tuscany | A walk through Montepulciano
Walking from Montepulciano to Montefollonico and Monasterio Sant'Anna in Camprena | 19 km

Capella Sant'Anna

Photo Gallery Montefollonico


Chiesa del Triano, Montefollonico
Montefollonico, Porta Del Triano
Montefollonico, San Leonardo, fasciata |
Montefollonico, Oratorio di Santa Caterina d'Alessandria
Montefollonico, San Leonardo, fianco |
Montefollonico, San Leonardo |
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria, Montefollonico. Particolare del portale che si apre sul muro perimetrale (visto dall'interno).
Particolare della cornice di uno dei pilastri quadrilateri delle archeggiature di valico. |
Ruderi del monastero di Santa Maria, Montefollonico. Vista da sud-est |
Basamento della torre campanaria |
Particolare della cornice di uno dei pilastri quadrilateri delle archeggiature di valico.
Parco Il Tondo Montefollonico

One of Tuscany's best kept secrets is the beautiful valley sheltering this recently renovated 18th century farm house, in the Valle d’Ombrone. Located on the outskirts of Castiglioncello Bandini, Podere Santa Pia is one of the best places to slow travel in southern Tuscany. The country house comprises approximately 450 sqm of a splendid main house, 1 hectare of land overlooking the entire valley and situated in the middle of 2.000 hectares of unspoiled land.
Enjoy the exquisite art, museums, and churches in the nearby cities, then relish the cuisine and epic countryside. Podere Santa Pia highlights the best of the quintessential Italian region.
Holiday houses in Tuscany | Podere Santa Pia
Podere Santa Pia |
The hills under Podere Santa Pia
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[1] Foto di Edisonblus, , licenziato in base ai termini della licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo 3.0 Unported