Cycling in Tuscany | The Maremma Park
Cycling in Tuscany | The Maremma Park
Rispescia - Ponti Neri - Barbicato - Molinaccio - Alberese - Centro Visite Parco della Maremma - Loca lità Spergolaia - Marina di Alberese - Foce dell’Ombrone - Loca lità Spergolaia - Canale Essiccatore - Antica Dogana - Giuncola - Rispescia
21 - The Maremma Park - 34.2 km
risPesCia - km 0 Ponti neri - km 1.4 BarBiCato - km 2.6 MolinaCCio - km 4.9 alBerese - km 7.9 Centro visite ParCo della MareMMa - km 8.4 loCalità sPerGolaia - km 10.5 Marina di alBerese - km 17 FoCe dell’oMBrone - km 19.2 loCalità sPerGolaia - km 27 Canale essiCCatore - km 28 antiCa doGana - km 30.6 GiunCola - km 32 risPesCia - km 34.2
Starting point and arrival: Rispescia
Distance in kilometres: 34.2 km
Difference in altitude: negligible
Type of road: tarred road (with a few stretches of smooth dirt track)
Bicycle: all-terrain and roadster
Difficulty: easy
NOTES: This itinerary explores the rural and naturalistic realities of the Ombrone plain. From the Visiting Centre of the park one cycles on to the estuary of the Ombrone and then returns to Rispescia across the countryside skirting the river. The itinerary does not present any difficulty being completely flat: a stop at the Marina di Alberese strand is to be taken into consideration. Refreshment points are in Rispescia, Alberese and, during the Summer months, in Marina di Alberese.
One starts from central Rispescia near the church and the roundabout and follows the road sign to Parco della Maremma skirting the sporting facility on the left. After 400 metres at the T-crossing one turns right in the direction of Alberese on the provincial road S.P. 59 cycling through a railway underpass (0.6). After 1.2 kilometres one leaves the S.P. 59 turning left where the Strada dei Ponti Neri (1.4) begins, near an Enel turret, identifiable by the high voltage cables. Further 1.2 kilometres to cycle and then at a crossing one turns left taking the Strada del Barbicato (2.6) which skirts the railway as far as a T-crossing (4.9) turning then right and taking the Strada del Molinaccio (on the left the railway bridge is in full view). One cycles for 3 kilometres along a very pleasant alley fringed with stone pines leading to Alberese. At the T-crossing one takes to the right onto the road passing through the centre of Alberese to reach the Visiting Centre of the Parco Regionale della Maremma (8.4).
At this point the cycling lane starts on the left and runs parallel to the S.P. 59 reaching the farm Azienda Agricola Regionale at the locality Spergolaia 2 kilometres away. Here the tree fringed avenue to Marina di Alberese begins. At the locality Vacchereccia by a barrier with bars no longer in use (11.8) the cycling lane (not yet completed at the moment) to Marina di Alberese begins on the right (17). Reaching the coast one continues on a sanctuary lane for 2 kilometres across the Tombolo as far as the Ombrone estuary by the bridge Chiavica (19.2). From here one returns to the Azienda Agricola Regionale at the locality Spergolaia as far as the end of the avenue (27) marked by the two pillars of the old gate leading to the Vecchia Aurelia. One cycles through olive groves for 1 kilometre and past the Canale Essicatore Principale (Main Drying Canal) of Alberese (28) one turns right onto a dirt track following the road sign to the riding stables. After 300 metres the small path leaves the proximity of the canal bypassing a few crumbling houses and the high voltage Enel turret reaching a farm (29).
From here the itinerary continues on a tarred road for 700 metres as far as a crossing where it takes a left turn onto the Strada dell’Antica Dogana. The road stretches straight on for 900 metres as far as a right-hand bend to be negotiated with prudence (30.6). Leaving the tarred road and cycling straight on along a dirt track one reaches the embankment by way of a short slope.
Clearing the iron barrier one cycles on the embankment for about 500 metres (on the left the river Ombrone, on the right a farm with stables) as far as the next iron barrier (31.2) where one turns right downhill towards Rispescia, in full view on the plain. A short while later one returns onto the tarred road and continues straight on along the Strada Giuncola as far as a T-crossing (32.8) keeping to the right, always following the Strada Giuncola, one reaches the S.P. 59 “Alberese” (33.4) where one takes a left turn towards Rispescia. One clears the railway underpass and 200 metres afterwards one turns left in the direction of the centre of Rispescia as far as the roundabout near the church (34.2). [1]
Beach in the Parco Naturale della Maremma
Parco Naturale della Maremma
Alberese Visitor Center
Via del Bersagliere, 7/9 - Alberese (Gr)
Tel. +39 0564 407098 - Fax. +39 0564 407278
Open every day including holidays with the following timetable: from October 1 to March 22, 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.; from March 23 to September 30, 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.

One of Tuscany's Best-Kept Secrets | Holiday home Podere Santa Pia
Podere Santa Pia |
Podere Santa Pia |
Alberese |
Parco della Maremma, il Cinghiale [2] |
Alla scoperta della Laguna di Orbetello e l'Antico Mulino Spagnolo, un angolo paesaggistico unico al mondo
Alberese, Monti Dell'Uccellina |
Bocca d'Ombrone, Torre della Trapola vicino a Principina di Grosseto
Salina di San Paolo |
Trekking in Tuscany
A1 - Abbazia di San Rabano e Torre Uccellinai | 7,2 km, 3.30 ore
A4 - Cala di Forno | Departure: from Pratini | 12 km, 4 hours
Walking in Tuscany | Parco Regionale della Maremma | From Alberese to San Rabano and Cala di Forno
Itinerario A7 - Foce del fiume Ombrone -4,73 km, 56 minuti
Salina di San Paolo, Parco Naturale della Maremma
T1 - Punta del Corvo | 4 km circa, 2 ore e 1/2 circa |
T2 - Cannelle | 9 Km circa, 5 ore circa |
T3 - Poggio Raso | 16 Km circa, 8 ore circa

Parco Naturale della Maremma | www.parks.it | Map | Itineraries | (Eng) (Deutsch) (It)
Cycling in Tuscany | Cycling tours in Southern Tuscany
www.turismoinmaremma.it | Colline Metallifere | Reiseführer und interessante Informationen über das Eisenerzgebiet | pdf Download

[1] Source: Cicloturismo Toaxana | www. maremmabike.it
[2] Photo: Mauro Guidoni | La mia Maremma Toscana - My Tuscany Maremma